
Study of Physico-chemical Properties and Heavy Metals Status in Relation to Aluminium Phosphide (AlP) and Rotenone on Water in Ponds at Taherpur Municipality of Rajshahi District, Bangladesh

By: Md. Abdur Rahim, Sarmin Akther, Shah H. A. Mahdi

Key Words: Physico-chemical Properties; Heavy Metals; Fish Killer Chemicals; Aluminum Phosphide (AlP); Rotenone.

IES-Vol10-No1-p98-111, February 2023.


The present research was carried out to determine the impacts of physico-chemical properties and heavy metal status against the fish killer chemicals, aluminum phosphide (AlP) and rotenone on water in selected 10 fish ponds at Taherpur Municipality under Bagmara Upazila of Rajshahi District in Bangladesh. The fish killer chemicals, AlP and rotenone are generally used in water to start-up a pond for removing all kinds of fish species before restocking. The observed physico-chemical properties like temperature, pH, electric conductivity (EC), dissolved oxygen (DO) and total dissolved solids (TDS) were found in water within the range of Bangladesh and WHO standard values. The mean values of water temperature, pH, EC, DO and TDS were 23.73±0.13oC, 7.59±0.08, 230.83±1.78 µS/cm, 4.33±0.11 mg/L and 211.59±2.62 mg/L for AlP and 23.80±0.20oC, 7.58±0.08, 232.00±1.63 µS/cm, 4.28±0.08 mg/L and 212.60±2.55 mg/L for rotenone respectively. The student’s t-test was used for comparison of mean values of control and treatment, and DO exhibit a highly significant difference at the level of P< 0.001 both for AlP and rotenone and EC at P< 0.01 only for rotenone. The ANOVA revealed that there was statistically highly significant difference (P< 0.001) between treatments (AlP and rotenone) and fish ponds. The level of heavy metal concentrations in the two treatments did not exceed the WHO maximum recommended limit except Cr and Pb. The descending order of heavy metal concentrations for AlP and rotenone were Cr > Pb > Fe > Mn > Zn and Cr > Pb > Mn > Fe > Zn respectively. These results suggested reducing the unnecessary use of AlP and rotenone in ponds because these two chemicals increase the level of Cr and Pbin water. The present investigation was the first report on this topic that proposes future research on the soil as well as fisheries species to understand the total environmental impacts of ponds concerning AlP and rotenone.

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Md. Abdur Rahim, Sarmin Akther, Shah H. A. Mahdi

Study of Physico-chemical Properties and Heavy Metals Status in Relation to Aluminium Phosphide (AlP) and Rotenone on Water in Ponds at Taherpur Municipality of Rajshahi District, Bangladesh

IES-Vol10-No1-p98-111, February 2023.


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By Authors and International Environmental Science (IES)