
Impacts of Flood and River Bank Erosion on People’s Livelihood in Northern Bangladesh

By: Mst. Shifat Ruana

Key Words: Flood, river bank erosion, impact, livelihood, Northern Bangladesh.

IES-Vol10-No1-p21-32, February 2023.


Bangladesh is a natural hazard prone country and flood is one of the most concerning hazards which is happened almost every year in different parts of the country and it has adverse impact on people’s livelihood. The study focuses the impacts of flood and river bank erosion on the people’s livelihood. The research area is located in the flood-prone region of the Teesta river basin in Rangpur district of Bangladesh. Lakshmitari union of Gangachara upazila and Kaunia Balapara union of Kaunia upazila were selected purposively as flood-prone area. In this research, primary and secondary data were used. The study results represent that flood is occurred every year in the areas, which is the cause of river bank erosion and affects the local people in the most of the villages. As a result, most of the people lose their dowelling house, cultivated land, fisheries, trees and many other assets. Besides, people are suffered in various types of water borne diseases during and post flooding time due to impure drinking water and vulnerable sanitation system. Moreover, the study shows the impacts of 2017 flood on different sectors of people’s livelihood in Northern Bangladesh.

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Mst. Shifat Ruana

Impacts of Flood and River Bank Erosion on People’s Livelihood in Northern Bangladesh

IES-Vol10-No1-p21-32, February 2023.


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By Authors and International Environmental Science (IES)